Sunday, July 31, 2011

Astro Star Quest Final 2011

Finally 16 July was here
we all are so excited about this event
we are there(PISA)!!!
this is our first live show

we saw some local artist

and the handsome one Danny boy
maybe you don't agree with it but at least he is handsome than in the tv

just ignore my face
then we went in

the place that we sit(yellow arrow)
we were so happy because we sit near to the stage
and we saw R&B there

VIP ticket

little girl playing killing game

the host

the judges

Jie Ying ( Runner-up )

Geraldine ( Champion )


Miko (Second runner-up)


all those effect must thanks to

and after the effect must thanks to

is original one but look like edit before

Do you guys have a great night too?
I have it
Stay tuned ya!!

All those clear photo provide by:YS,thanks